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The field adjacent to the Park City Library and Education Center holds a special place in the hearts of Parkites. It has been an adopted commons, enjoyed by all for decades. When I came to town in the 80’s the library was still housed in the Miner’s Hospital at City Park, but this field was favored by those of us on the PC Women’s Soccer Team for scrimmaging on cold evenings. The library came to its present location in 1993, and the Reading Garden came along in 1997 — a wonderful community project culminating in a welcome addition to the open space!  I have been a perennial squatter in the study halls of the library – writing my thesis, preparing to teach for the U. of  U. and later as a researcher/writer.  When I felt the need for a break I chose a quiet spot on a bench under the peaceful canopy of crab apple trees.

As time marched on my eldest daughter enjoyed recess here on the field as a pre-schooler.  Family sledding outings followed when our second daughter came along, and the girls will always remember Tom taking them through the ice-maze that traversed the field at the 2002 winter Olympics.  Now, with our children grown, we take our pets to the field (the original Park City dog park), to frolic and socialize while we chat with other dog lovers.

I see now we just assumed the field would always remain ours.  But earlier this year when the city began exploring the idea of developing the area we realized the greenspace was not as sancrosanct as we thought.  Our town has done an admirable job coming up with funds to protect open spaces.  I pray this is one space we will work extra hard to protect for people to enjoy through all the phases and stages of their lives.  It looks like some have already taken up the mantle and are doing just that.  A City Hall panel concluded it wants to put restrictions in place to help keep the greenspace undeveloped. To this I say, Bravo!

Click here for Park Record article.

Park City panel recommends library field remain undeveloped


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